Welcome to your friendly local school
Balgownie Public School is an excellent school where quality teaching and learning occurs in a positive, caring environment. The school is highly regarded in the local community where it has provided exceptional public education for over 125 years. Our staff are dedicated, highly skilled, caring professionals who are deeply committed to ensuring that all our students reach their potential. We cater for individual differences through quality educational programs.
Balgownie Public offers inventive opportunities for gifted and talented students both in the classroom and whole school, including public speaking and problem solving. We have innovative technology programs including a computer lab, interactive whiteboards and modern computers in every class, improving our students’ learning through using the tools of the future. Wifi throughout the school and a growing bank of iPads and laptops cater for 21st Century learning.
We are a welcoming, friendly school community and have strong relationships with parents and carers. The P & C and parents are actively involved and warmly welcomed in the school. Your role as a parent in the education of your child is valued greatly by our staff.
We provide an extensive variety of enrichment activities to enhance the learning of our students. These include:
• Innovative and engaging programs in the areas of Mindfulness and Wellbeing, Creative and Critical Thinking, Robotics and Coding.
• Environmental Education to foster responsibility including a recycling centre, kitchen garden, composting and whole school recycling of all rubbish.
• Creative and Performing Arts to develop creativity including Southern Stars, Dance Festival, Choral Festival and Keirabald Art Competition.
• Exciting learning through Premier’s Reading, Spelling and Sporting Challenges, ICAS testing and Chess competitions. We have excellent excursions and visiting performers.
• Sport for health and fitness. Competitions in cricket, netball, touch football, soccer, AFL, and basketball. Successful carnivals occur and students can participate in Surf Groms and our annual School Swimming Scheme.
• School spirit is celebrated through Family Fun Days, Education Week, Science Days and Grandparent Days. Ceremonies mark important Australian traditions: Anzac and Remembrance Day, NAIDOC, Reconciliation Week and Harmony Day.
At Balgownie Public School we pride ourselves on our excellent programs that promote self-belief, resilience, citizenship, respect and responsibility. Our students have a reputation for outstanding behaviour. Successful life skills are developed through our comprehensive Positive Behaviour for Success program. The School Representative Council and other initiatives foster leadership and decision making in students of all ages. We develop confident, articulate students with skills for life through a comprehensive Kindergarten Orientation program and close links with the local high school.
We are proud of our achievements, our students, our community and our staff. I am very proud to be a part of a wonderful educational team that serves the Balgownie community and happily welcome you and your family to join us.
Donna Barton